In The Trenches
Boot Camps
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Press Release
Michelle Cliffe
Cliffe Communications
(1) 647 436 8577
With over 9 million Americans unemployed, and many in the arts community among them, support and resources are needed by our artists and designers.

Traditional systems of employment often fail the arts community, but there is still an opportunity to run viable arts businesses and create strong arts communities. With the right information and tools, struggling artists can find their legs. Artist Mosaic is a Brooklyn-based organization dedicated to providing artists and designers with the tools to make a living with their craft. Started in 2003 by artist and designer Bonnie Sandy Sterling, Artist Mosaic helps artists and designers with the business of art.

Artist Mosaic gives artists and designers access to resources that are often difficult to obtain independently. Artist Mosaic facilitates training, mentorship programs and offers seminars, showcases and exhibits. It provides access to experts in areas such as finance, litigation and marketing, as well as creating venues that offer marketing opportunities. "In The Trenches" is a program developed by Bonnie Sandy Sterling, which isolates the tools necessary for gaining control in the Œminefieldı that is entrepreneurship. Aimed specifically at small business entrepreneurs with a creative property, it helps artists and designers grasp the concept of how businesses with large budgets, employees with "traditional business trainingı and huge corporate structures, succeed! The "trench" pertains to the minefield, within which the small business entrepreneur operates.

Branding Boot Camp is a workshop being brought in as part of Artist Mosaicıs "In The Trenches" program. Developed by ROSE, Canadaıs first branding agency to focus exclusively on fashion, Branding Boot Camp is a workshop, developed by Rose Mastnak, which demystifies branding and gives artists and designers tools to develop their own brand strategy. Relevant to emerging designers, retailers and industry insiders, the workshop will discuss the concept of branding and its application in art and design and how to carry it through to pricing, distribution, communications and company culture.

Branding Bootcamp will be held at Studio 243 at 243 Flatbush Avenue Extension on Saturday, November 13 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. It is open to artists, designers and anyone interested in developing a successful brand strategy. To register or obtain more information on Branding Bootcamp, please contact
Bonnie Sandy Sterling at 1-718-249-0939 or visit